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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Pre-emptive Scrag Lag

Okay, so Series 9 of America's Next Top Model starts tonight on pay TV.
The thing is, right, that I'm in Broome, see, and I won't be watching it.
I said I won't be watching it.
If I can get a copy of it (email me now, people), and if I have time to recap the first episode before the second one thunders down the catwalk in an inappropriate bikini, I'll be more than happy to throw my two bitchy cents in. Vitriol is like a fart - if you try to hold it in, it just makes you feel sick.
Until then, I've got fishing, desert-crossing and sky-diving to do. I'm sure you understand.

That's me. At about eleven thousand feet. I know, right?


non-Blondie said...

whee! Am I completely sad to be looking forward to not watching the show and just reading your recaps?

davey said...

You want me to sort you out Jo-Dogg? I got the sweet hook-ups man.

(translation: nerdy download sites)

SouthernBelle said...

Report from a (the?) US reader: There's nobody that compares to Natasha this season, but there's still some pretty ghetto-licious moments and scrag fighting to look forward to.

kiki said...

it doesn't really look like you...

Felix for Zosia said...

If you didn't watch it, could you just make something up? Those of us who missed it won't know the difference.

Jo said...

Non-Blondie: If you're sad, what does that make someone who watches it, takes notes, then writes about it? What? Really, really pretty and sophisticated, with an awesome pair of buttocks? If you say so...

Davey: Thanks, dawg, but I'm gonna wing it. That's just how I roll. Depending on the breadth of your 'sweet hook-ups', though, I may require your services at a later date.

SBelle: You're like crystal meth ball. Bless ya.

Kiki: I look really different three and a half kilometres above the planet. Kind of... really, really pretty and sophisticated with a major parachute-harness wedgie.

Felix: Alrighty - Tyra eats a bad piece of fried chicken, causing her skull to implode, and Spunky Nigel Barker sets up camp in my underpants. Done.

SouthernBelle said...

*sigh* I love Nigel. I really really do.

kiki said...

the wedgie is the only thing i recognised about you