Monday, December 06, 2010

Australia's Next Top Westie Scrag Series Seven - No Mess Applicator

Can you smell that?
That faint waft of desperation, menthol cigarettes and polyester in the air?
That, friends, teens and gay men, is the smell of applications for Series 7 of Australia's Next Top Model opening (check it here). And who doesn't love the smell of a model's opening, am I right?
Despite being cruelly overlooked last series, my spirit has not been crushed, and I've already submitted my application for next year.
Applicants are required to provide a photo, and I feel that mine really shows my inner beauty. If the judges can't appreciate the quiet dignity and fashion-forward magnificence of my shot, then clearly the whole thing is rigged, or at least skewed unfairly towards tall, beautiful, young people.

Don't EVEN tell me you're not a little bit aroused right now.

In fact, bugger it - I might start a campaign to ensure that my clear fashion and catwalk dominance isn't ignored in the culling process. I say we start here on the ANTM facebook page, and we'll sort out the street march and intensive letter-writing campaign at a later date. Give me a hand and spread the word - maybe by posting something on the wall, or writing to your local member of parliament. Every little bit helps, and remember - the real winner is mediocrity. And also me.



  1. Is that Sophie, now?

  2. Anonymous1:50 am

    three months ago i have big problem which is popular of all of us ! what should do and how to go on living, I can not understood ((I have stopped smiling at ALL!!!! :( yes!!,i have bad looking teeth because of heredity ... why it so? Teeth is the first thing you see when talk everybody,or doing something like that, I have found a solution in putting lumineers ! and i need to say it has 100%result!!,also i think i promise you!

  3. Was the first thing you chewed with your new teeth the basic rules of grammar?
