Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cirque Du So-Lame Part 2: The Lamening

Update: Being fifteen different kinds of idiot, I posted a link to this blog on my facebook page. It didn't occur to me that Gemma the absent-but-on-her-way-home-whose-room-has-just-been-turned-into-the-most-pissweak-circus-in-history might see it on her phone.


Flex Chong and I received a polite text from Gemma exclaiming that it looked like we had a busy long weekend (lol) but that she wasn't feeling great and if it's not too party-pooperish could we tidy her room.


Welcome home, Gemma. Please be as quiet as possible when approaching the front door.


  1. Anonymous7:12 pm

    Might not have been feeling well. Pfft, suck it up girl and look at it for the humour it deserves. Should have gone along with it and used the trip home planning revenge!

  2. Gemma should have sent an SMS to you two rascals saying "Enjoy paying my rent girls, I have decided to stay on holiday and join the circus"...
