Monday, November 01, 2010

Every Day For A Year #9

(If you haven’t been following parts 1-8, find them here. If you have been following parts 1-8, then your reward comes in the form of worlds colliding in a mildly unsettling way here.)

Every so often in preparation for the scattering of words and the like all over this wee, self-indulgent corner of the internet, I actually do some research.

I know, right? Most of the time I’m sure it looks like I’m just blowing my nose with the alphabet, but I do – I actually look crap up.

In other news, our mate Frosty, he of the keen lensy-parts, has totally been in Germany. That’s a whole different country, even.

As a result of his hemispherical hoo-ha, some of his pictures below are of things in Germany. See how that works? Time travel is so. Cool.

But back to the research. I’ve done some.

Erstaunliche. It’s German for awesome.

Sort of.

Look! Photos!

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