Sunday, August 29, 2010

Every Day For A Year #7

(Look, I don't wanna boss you around or tell you what to do or anything, but go catch up on the first six bits of this here. If you want to. In your own time. Right now. Please.)

You know how much fun it is to eavesdrop on conversations? You can find out all sorts of stuff, like who got drunk at the wedding on Saturday, what time people want to be picked up from the train station and why letting your best friend do your piercings is a bad idea.

Our camera-toting compadre Frosty, however, takes things one step further - he lets you eavesdrop on his life. Just for a nanosecond a day, mind you, but that's probably more often than you hear from your grandma.

You may start eavesdropping........................................................................ now.

1 comment:

  1. I reckon he's getting better with practice.
