Monday, July 26, 2010

Every Day For A Year #5

(If you haven’t been following the adventures of Frosty and his enigmatic machine of clicky-magic, you can see what it’s all about here. If you like Stormtroopers in a contemporary public transport setting (and seriously – who doesn’t?), visit here. But come back quickly. I cry real tears, y’know.)

Frosty continues his photographic odyssey with some further nods to Sydney architecture, a sweet close-up (probably my favourite of this batch), and some general hovering. Interestingly, we’ve recently had to ask Frosty to stop hovering in public, as it frightens the magpies.

Some of that is a lie.

Enjoy a couple of weeks of Frosty's life! He does.

1 comment:

  1. More frosty photos - very enigmatic. The hoody in the dark is a bit scary, but that's a very romantic close-up of the lonely ring-pull thingee on the pebbles.
