Thursday, July 08, 2010

Every Day For A Year #4

(If you're not sure what's going on here, and you're used to lots of wordy-wordy rather than this picture malarkey, head over here for the lowdown. If you just like gettin' down, maybe this is more your speed.)

Frosty's been out and about again, getting all up in Sydney's bidness with his camera ready for some clicky-clicky awesome.
Sydney has dutifully indulged him, too - providing shiny white tent-tops, ice-skating, trees, religious iconography and those big plastic balls you can walk around in. I love those things, mama.
Our mutual mate Russ also got a look-in. There's a very real possibility that he's still drunk, though, so best to wave at him quietly.

Enjoy looking through Frosty's eyes at the last twelve days, and please remember to wipe any smudges off the corneas before returning them. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely shots, worthy of the Art and About outdoor exhibition.
