Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Scrag Lag

Austalia's Next Top Westie Scrag recap will be up tomorrow. I totally promise.
Anything I write now will just be the unintelligible rantings of an outrageously tired lady who smells faintly of champagne and best-night-ever.

In the meantime, you should go out and get yourself this year's hottest accessory: a nosebleed.



  1. little dog1:07 pm

    that nose bleed was to DIE FOR

  2. Booooooooo!!!

    Also, you might want to label this post with antm, to save blogspot's bandwidth from being smashed by people like me, who have the antm label shortcut bookmarked and have been reloading it every 5 minutes since 7am :)

    Looking forward to the wrap.
