Monday, July 13, 2009

Is It Just Me, Or... #4 the fact that someone just found this 'blog by searching the phrase "Has doggie panty liners been invented?" the wrongest wrong thing since stone-age wrong?

Everybody knows it should be "Have doggie panty liners been invented?".

Grammar, people. It counts.

PS: I have so many questions. SO MANY.


  1. Yeah, question number one is "have they?"

  2. Jo, you are farting on one corner of the web and musing on the intimate hygeine habits of dogs on another.

    I'm not saying I don't like it.

    Just pointing it out.

  3. I'm still struggling with the idea that, in order for doggie panty liners to be invented, there needs to be a significant proportion of doggies out there wearing panties.

  4. You should be proud.

    Had an unusual spike in views on mine the other day. Wanted to find out what the hell drove it... for a little while I had the number one spot in a Google search for "how did Bubbles the chimp commit suicide?" And that was before the whole dead Jackson thing.
