Friday, March 13, 2009

I Look Like A Monkey, And I Smell Like One Too.

This 'blog is three years old today.

If it was a human, it would have a full set of teeth and occasionally crap in its pants.
Sounds about right.

Send me some love. I quite transparently need some.


  1. Love love love!
    There's a big difference between your blog and a human three-year-old. Human three-year-olds constantly ask, "Why? Why? Why?" all day.
    Jo Blogs, on the other hand, doesn't ask why. It says, "Who cares why? Just laugh or I'll deck ya".

    Happims Barsday.

  2. Happy Birthday. <:)

    Have you given thought to the idea that your blog ages in dog years? If that's so, it would be a teenager now.

  3. Happy bloggy birthday! The Underbelly posts are gold. I'm watching the show mainly so I can better appreciate your synopses.

  4. I wish you a happy birthday blog. Unfortunately my blog is refusing to send his wishes - he's a jehovah witness - doesn't celebrate birthdays. they are funny like.

  5. Three years is old for a blog. Well done. I've had five in that time, three of which died soon after birth. Only one survives.
    Sometimes I think I should watch more telly, so I can understand what you are on about.

  6. hhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii jjjjjjjjjooooooooooooooo

  7. My blob has a crush on your blob. He's always been into the older crowd.

  8. Happy birthday Jo's blog.

    I don't watch Underbelly but as soon as you start reviewing Wiggly World I am so there.

    Big love.

  9. Anonymous3:25 pm

    Congratulations on turning another year wiser.

  10. Happy blog birthday to you!
