Monday, November 17, 2008

Pick Me! Pick Me!

Well, well, well.

With the assistance of a bit of vitriol, a bit of sarcasm, and quite a lot of swear-words, I'm one of eight finalists in Cleo Magazine's 'Next Top Blogger' competition.

The winner is chosen by public vote, so I'd really appreciate it if you'd click on the link below and throw a vote my way. And tell your friends to. And their friends. Etc. See how that works?

Thank you. You smell great. Is that Paco Rabanne?



  1. I love you like a sister. Isn't that enough?

  2. You'd think so, huh.

  3. Anonymous9:47 pm

    if you don't win I'll cancel my Cleo sub....true and that...

  4. personally, i think i'm the greatest blogger going around
    and i, too, love you like a sister.

  5. Egads, those subtle marketing ploys Cleo has to get your contact details are none too subtle. I fooled them, though. There's no way I'm giving them my name, rank and serial number all in the one hit.

  6. Anonymous1:22 pm

    squee exciting. I voted for ya miss jo.

  7. Anonymous1:53 pm

    and what do I get in return ;)

  8. Anonymous - I have a policy about promising rewards to anonymous people. My policy is: don't.

    Sassy - your reward will be a bang-up triple M comment. Once I think of one.

  9. congrats on Cleo :)

  10. Anonymous3:45 pm

    Pfft, i vote for you the cleo evil forces will call me and send me shitty mails. soa i voted a fakey :)

  11. People who don't vote for you obviously are oblivious to the meanings of humour and excellence.

  12. You guys are awesome. If I didn't have a heart of stone, I'd be weeping real tears.
