Friday, July 04, 2008

A Hayzee Fantayzee Song.

Like retinal scarring, but with sunglasses.


  1. Anonymous11:20 am

    Oh bad times .... get behind me!

  2. Great. I'm going to be humming that and stupid-dancing for the rest of the day now.

  3. Anonymous3:50 pm

    Even in Black & White, so very shiney.

  4. Does he have a bum-nose too? It looks like he has a bum-nose. That looks like a nose with a cleft trying to masquerade as a nose that's got it's pants on. That's a naked bum-nose people!

  5. Jo & PetStarr ; you think you have recovery problems?

    I spent a slightly woozy train trip home on Tuesday night staring wall-eyed at the "driver's compartment" sign. It was VERY disconcerting... ;-)

    Such a pleasure to meet you both, though. Much excitement all round. Keep up the excellent, excellent work.

    We luv (insert requisite hand gestures here) yoooz all.

  6. Anonymous11:40 am

    more gossip
    more feedback required


  7. Anonymous5:56 pm

    I am so feckin sick of seeing him with his stupid sunglasses on his bald chrome-dome head. Even when he's actually wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes, he still wears another pair on his head. Somebody slap him!
