Thursday, March 13, 2008

Two Candles, A Bunch Of Scrags, Some Rhyming, And Really Quite A Lot Of Swearing.

This blog is two years old today.

For its birthday, it wants comments, cash, and a genetically engineered Dylan Moran/Clive Owen hybrid.


  1. Happy Blogday, you old scrag.
    It speaks very well for a two-year-old!

  2. nice one.

    I will take into account what the word verification is telling me that you want some socks.. some bnqsock's to be exact.

    i'll get onto that.

  3. Hasn't Rudd been telling all of us to get a hybrid lately? Something to do with climate change. I'll borrow yours when you're not using it.

  4. Happy scraggy three years old.

    We're busy breeding our Dylan Moran and Clive Owens here at the farm as I type, but so far, we haven't managed to produce a successful hybrid. Give us a few more years...

  5. Oh, when the blog isn't using that Clive/Dylan hybrid, would you mind sending it over here? I could give it a good home...
