Wednesday, February 20, 2008

America's Next Top Model Series Nine #7

Still haven't got enough time, energy or metaphors in the tank to do a full recap, but I felt moved to throw something up (not like that – I'm not a model), because Heather is gone.
This makes me desperately sad for two reasons:

1. She's the most beautiful sloop-shouldered, awkward, borderline-goth autistic girl I've ever not met. And I've not met thousands.

2. She is, as of last night, responsible for the singular most awesome quote of the series, which sums up everything I love about this show. Getting lost on her way to go-sees in Shanghai, she says "The map's completely in Chinese. It's all Greek to me". Aaah, sweet self-aware meta-irony. I love you so.

1 comment:

  1. can you blog about other stuff again please?
    it's much more itneresting than reality television
