Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Scrag Lag

Saying I've been a little bit busy at work lately would be like saying Corey Delaney is a little bit of a dick.
The chances of me getting an America's Next Top Model recap up this week are about the same as the chance of Tyra Banks not noticing pieces eight through twelve in a twelve-piece bucket.

It makes me sad.
Especially because this looks like a good 'un.

Regular bloggage will resume shortly.
In the meantime, please listen to the sound of me giving a rat's.


  1. I miss you already.

  2. Love the header. What lovely mate hooked you up that one?

  3. Me mate Anton rustled it up. I've put a link in - see? See there above the Site Meter logo?
    No - up a bit... THERE you go.

    It's good going to art school for most of your twenties. You learn how to drink, play pool, and ask other people to do you solid illustration favours.

  4. Wow! You do similes like a really good breakfast chef does baked ricotta with scrambled blueberries. Have you considered becoming Raymond Chandler?
