Friday, October 12, 2007

Made-Up Word of the Week

seafood pants

misheard underwear made of fish, seaweed, crustaceans, etc.

Origins: Whilst at the pub on Saturday, the ever-shy-and-polite Steve mentioned to Kylie (who was wearing a shortish skirt) that her undies were visible in her current seated position. She immediately rectified the situation, commenting that she should be more careful, as she was wearing "see-through pants". Steve and I both misheard her, thinking she said "seafood pants". As is so often the case, the misheard phrase was far preferable to the actual one, causing a good ten minutes' worth of mirth and insinuations of venereal disease.

"Did you hear? Apparently Miriam has crabs"
"Serves her right. That's what you get for wearing seafood pants".


  1. I like this story a lot.
    But then, I always did like crustaceans.

  2. Big Fan1:32 pm

    baaa haaa.

    please re-ignite this category of your blog.
