Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Keeping Me Up At Night #5

How come there's no white dog shit around any more?


  1. Oh my GOD that's a good question.

    Actually - I think it's just because at some point everyone got very anal about cleaning up after their dog (no pun intended) and so there isn't any poo left to bake in the sun for long enough to turn white.

    Sad, that.

  2. Yep, what pet said. Perhaps it's that classy advertising campaign that did it - "Oops - better pick up their poops!"

  3. At your local museum, they may have a white dog shit or a replica in their collection: a memento of those simpler, happier times when dogs crapped wherever they wanted...

  4. Also: how come there's no white dog shit keeping you up at night?

  5. Anonymous9:43 pm

    c'mon - direct steal from 'life on mars' - fess up! but nice spotting - got me in too!

  6. A mate told me about the Life On Mars reference - but I swear I've been wondering this for almost a decade now.

    Wow. That's like, really sad.

  7. I don't usually respond to posts that are 9 years old, but I have to mention that Life on Mars was a brilliant show, as was Ashes to Ashes.

    Anyway, carry on.

    P.S For what it's worth, love your Bachelor work Jo.
