Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Celebrity Limerick #1

There was a young lady named Spears,
Who feared folk couldn't quite see her ears;
So she hacked at her hair
Until none was left there;
Now her children are left with her dumb skank ex-husband.


  1. Anonymous7:17 am

    Hilarious Jo! You really have a way with words!

  2. I'm speechless. It's a nice change, innit?

  3. Mahaha hahahahaha!

    There once was a dick called K-Fed
    Who was truly fucked in the head
    Cause he shacked up with Brit
    Thinking he could get a bit
    Of her fame but he was lousy in the sack and she dumped his ass.

  4. Goddamn, I love a counter-limerick.

  5. Anonymous11:39 am

    Nice one Jo!

  6. There was a young blogger named Nick
    Who arrived late on the scene for this trick
    having seen the counter-limerick idea taken
    he found himself quite shaken
    and decided that he too would not bother with rhyming the last line and just go whereever poetic licence took him or you know just keep typing until he trailed off

  7. I did one on Victoria Beckham once called 'Stick Woman'. Can only remember the first and last verses:

    Stick woman, stick woman,
    What do you eat?

    One wafer thin biscuit,
    Two times a week.

    Stick woman, stick woman,
    How do you breed?

    It comes out of the gob
    Wot I use to feed.
