Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Twin Peaks

I have an identical twin sister, which is something I highly recommend.
She will always, always understand my point of view, she doesn't need me to finish sentences, she knows exactly the right thing to say to make me feel better when I'm shitty, and she can loan clothes to me that always fit, effectively doubling my wardrobe.
And she's really pretty.

I'm used to being almost exactly the same as my sister, because I have been my whole life. Her feet are a tiny bit bigger, I'm a tiny bit taller, I'm left-handed and she's right-handed, I'm a little bit more artistic, she's a little bit more musical, I'm less of a worrier, she has a black belt in karate. But, on the other hand, our baby teeth always fell out within days of each other, we still say exactly the same thing at exactly the same time, we've dreamt the same dream on the same night more than once, and we move in unison often enough to make it disturbing. We'll never be those American-style, live-together-and-dress-alike scary kind of twins, but we're pretty bloody similar.

My twin sister had a baby recently, (empirically speaking, the cutest kid in the universe), and although it was just about the most joyous occasion I can think of, it's drawn focus to a difference between her and myself that is distinct, extreme, and undeniable.

Like, milk totally comes out of her boobs.
I'm not kidding.


  1. Given that everything that happens to her seems to happen to you - I'd be more concerned about following suit... Or at least fear sympathy pains.

  2. Milky boobs aside, is it unusual that you are a lefty and she's a righty? You'd think twins would be the same.

  3. Apparently 'handedness' is only partly determined genetically, and lefty/righty twins are reasonably common.

    From the evidence, though, I can safely assume that sarcasm and having tanties in the kitchen are definitely genetic.

  4. To get totally in tune with you, I'm typing this with my left hand only. It feels a bit icky. It might be easier if my milky boosies didn't keep getting in the way.
    I can only assume that most conjoined twins develop different-handedness, largely to avoid getting in each others' way at the dinner table and to facilitate the opening of difficult jars.
    Oh lookie! We ramble the same too!

  5. Anonymous6:06 pm

    You didn't mention the colour-blind/not colour-blind dissimilarity. That should confound your public.

  6. Obviously only among twins. My (older) sister is a genetic freak. Little sarcasm, tanties in the kitchen only with partner.
