Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Keeping Me Up At Night #3

How come there's so few female jockeys?
Like, is it a boob thing?


  1. What is it with you and boobs? At least I know I'm not the only one who is kept up at night by boobs. You do pose an interesting question, however. Not one that I think I can spend a lot of time on, but interesting just the same.
    Oh, and you might want to change "there's" to "there're" before your mother notices...

  2. Anonymous1:33 am

    Because if women have to be rediculously thin to be successful in their job, it causes international uproars *cough, cough* Mailand *cough*...;)

    Also, there are female jockeys, sometimes called jockettes...Julie Krone or Anna Lee Aldred, for example.

    :) Liz

  3. There has been wonderful female jockeys. The rotten thing is the racing industry is a bit MALE orientated and dont often give the girls THAT KIND of go. And - you need a killer "win" attitude. It's a tough world for women.

    And TRUST me - that so isnt the world you want for your daughters.

  4. Anonymous12:10 pm

    Despite the fact that jockeys are tiny i think that they still need to be pretty strong to control those beasts. Man muscle stronger than Lady muscle.

    A related but perhaps more difficult to answer question is: Why aren't there any female F1 drivers?
