Monday, September 04, 2006

Emails I May Never Send #10

Dear Steve Irwin,

Never smile at a crocodile.

And for goodness' sake, mind that stingray.



  1. Anonymous11:33 am

    Should have used sunscreen to keep out of the rays

  2. Anonymous1:37 pm

    Is now a good time to reveal that along with my Joey Ramone action figure, I also have owned (it may still be in my posession, somewhere) a Steve Irwin action figure? It was underwater Steve. Diving mask and everything. Got it at K-Mart. There was also one that talked. It was grouse and so was he. My favourite recollection of his tv appearances :

    "Holy moley, wow! That's one of the world's most deadliest snakes hangin' in that tree - let's poke it with a stick!".

    Miracle he survived as long as he did really really.

    Guess the big bloke upstairs was calling : "Steve, stop muckin' around in the pool and come inside, yeh tea's ready".

  3. Anonymous4:22 pm

    So tasteless.
