Monday, March 20, 2006

Emails I May Never Send #6

Dear Deni Hines,

You've had your turn, sweetheart. And you stuffed it. Now go away.

There's just no place in the world for vibrato that sounds like Tiny Tim singing through a fan.
Whilst your star turn on that television juggernaut Skating On Thin Ice obviously shows you to be a stack-hatted force in the entertainment industry, there's barely enough of us left who give a rat's about your mother, much less her sproggy, annoying little offspring.

You're not sexy, hilarious and wacky. It's just transparently obvious that you'd like to be.

Put a bra on, have a wash, and shut the f*ck up.




  1. I heard in an interview that Marcia calls her own daughter "the jackhammer", so Mumsy gets my vote.

    I might still sound like I'm smarting from Deni's "Get a life, sweetie" comment, but given that it was uttered during a desperate attempt to resurrect a long dead singing career, I didn't attribute much weight to it.

  2. Concerned Viewer10:27 pm

    Dear Marcia Hines, Who are you again? What are you famous for? From Confused Viewer
